Tianxia Update 28- BackerKit Invites Closing Soon, PDF in final approval!

Greetings Vigilant Ones!

It’s been a busy couple of months, but we’re very close to the first major milestone for Tianxia: Blood, Silk & Jade! The PDF is in final approval now, and assuming we don’t need to make any changes we’ll be releasing it very shortly to our backers via RPGNow and Drive-Thru RPG. There will be an email coming to you with instructions on how to do this, so keep an eye on this space and the Kickstarter update page.

For those of you who joined after the Kickstarter campaign ended, you have until February 28th, Friday, to finish your BackerKit profiles and make sure your payments went through. For many of you, this is simply book-keeping to make sure I have your information accurately entered into BackerKit, but for some this is a final chance to complete payment on your rewards. Check your spam filters for BackerKit invites and if you don’t have one, be sure to let me know!

With luck, the final PDF will be going out to backers as early as this weekend, but it should be next week at the latest!

We’ll be asking for feedback from our ardent followers before sending the PDF files to the printer, and instructions for that will be released shortly after the instructions to obtain your copy of the PDF.

Here’s a link to the full announcement Update at Kickstarter!

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